About Our Journey

Sacred Awakening

       We are currently living in a powerful sea of potentiality, calling us to spiritual action and collective healing. To navigate our path and become universal constructive co-creators, we must open to ourselves and awaken to our Inner Healer. 


Sacred Healing

         Within you awaits the Inner Healer. Underneath your feet a powerful energy calls to you, connecting nature and transcending time to be with you now.  Mycelium, the communication system of trees, possess the wisdom to unlock the Inner Knowing that longs to be heard. Intuitively, you know you know. Your heart seeks freedom to follow the passion knocking on your soul, desiring to be free from rigid patriarchal systems that seek to control and silence who You Are.

           Close your eyes. Shut out the external voices.  Ground your feet in nature. Listen to the expressions of wind, rain, sun, and night. Feel the drifting shadows of clouds, the fresh air organically filling your body. Bring awareness to the pulsating flow of life surrounding you, then invite the prana to freely cleanse your body.

           Now you are ready to discover the journey awaiting you since your first human breath, an invitation to experience the sacred healing of the symbiotic relationship our ancestors embraced: sacred mushrooms.


The Sacred Awakening Retreat is a life-changing, in-person spiritual learning experience where individuals transform to a new level of consciousness leading to rebirth. As in the Hero/Shero Journey, a call to spiritual action and collective healing awakens us from being imprisoned by our times of difficulty and trauma. Within us exists the power to be instruments for healing. We each have incredible innate capabilities as we are constructive co-creators with the universe. By attuning to ourselves, we discover the internal restoration necessary to broaden our capacity for compassion, joy and connection. Through the Sacred Activism Community, we support the process of radical healing embracing the elements of nature while fostering relationships that allow our highest gifts and brightest light to emerge.